Life's Little Miracle | Alana Donovan Photography
Today we have a very touching and emotional newborn story to share with you thanks to Alana Donovan Photography. Alana had initially met this family when they called upon her after the loss of their newborn son and although precious Kooper was only in this world for a short time, his memory would last forever. One year later, after thinking they would not be able to have another baby, they contacted Alana again...this time to capture the images of their beautiful baby girl Kennedy, who has been life's little miracle to this family. Alana arrived at their home to begin their session and was greeted by mom who shared some special momentos of big brother Kooper, including a photo book full of prayers, poems and images that help keep his memory alive. Kennedy is certainly surrounded by a loving family and her brother will always be watching over her.

{Not long after Keith and I married in 2010, we were overjoyed to learn that we were expecting our first child together! Keith already has two daughters from a previous marriage, so he secretly hoped for a son. Since I was 35 years old, I was considered advanced maternal age; therefore, my physician sent us to a specialist for a detailed sonogram when I was approximately 4 months pregnant as it is standard routine for her patients. We went that day only anticipating to find out the sex of our sweet baby; we had no idea that our lives would be rocked and changed forever. To our excitement, we learned that we would have a son that we would soon name Kooper, but we also learned that he was not moving and developing as he should. Sitting there in total disbelief and trying to take in what the doctor was saying, I felt my heart literally breaking in two. We were told by that physician that I would not likely carry this child full term and if I did, the baby would not live long. At that point, the physician offered and insinuated that termination of my pregnancy would be a wise choice. THAT WAS NOT AN OPTION! We ended up with another specialist and after the longest 9 months of our lives, we welcomed Kooper Smith Bain into the world on June 29, 2011. There was no definite diagnosis, but he had several developmental problems that led to him being unable to thrive on him own. We had our precious Kooper for a total of 41 hours, and in that time period we were able to be with our family and friends and love on him until he took his last and final breath. Also, during that time, we were introduced to someone I refer to as an angel, photographer Alana Donovan. I had never met Alana before, but she responded to a request of a mutual church friend during our time of need. Alana showed up and introduced herself and stated, “ I am here until you tell me to leave!” I believe she was there approximately 9 hours capturing precious moments of us and our families with sweet baby Kooper. We will never be able to thank her for what she did for us that day! Without her, I am afraid those visual memories would have eventually faded away with time.
Even though Kooper was only with us for a short time, he touched many lives and even brought loved ones together. As I mentioned earlier, my husband has two daughters from a previous marriage. Before Kooper was a part of our lives, the relationships between Keith and his daughters was suffering. There had not been much communication between the three of them, and unfortunately, not even between the two sisters.
I could list at least a hundred different reasons Kooper was a part of our lives and entrusted to us from God, but one of the many blessings in disguise was the healing of these broken relationships. My husband now has active and close relationships with his daughters and the sisters have even begun to mend their relationship with each other. Their little brother, Kooper, shared so much love in the short time he was with us.
Losing Kooper was and still is very hard to understand, but we know that God has a plan and that we will one day reunite with our son inside those pearly gates of Heaven!
We are proud to share that God has once again blessed us, this time with a precious baby girl! Kennedy Grace Bain was born August 14, 2012! Thankfully I had a happy, healthy pregnancy and after several hours of waiting for her arrival that day, we learned that just across the hall a little boy named Cooper was born and shortly after, Kennedy made her grand entrance into the world! That my friend, was “ a God thing!” It was just another reminder that her big brother was watching over us!
With Kennedy’s arrival, we were so excited to call Alana and schedule our newborn photo shoot! It was truly an honor to have Alana Donovan once again capture sweet memories of our second little blessing! We not only have found a lifelong photographer, we have made a lifelong friend whose love for Jesus shines through her sweet sweet spirit.}